I never intended to start a business but Spirit had other plans-
Spirit Remedies was birthed in 2016 with the intention to help bring myself and others out of despair; To bring us hope that life could be better and that we could feel better. And to be the bridge to joyous, healthy living. Along the way I realized how much more there is to life and to each of us. I was deeply initiated by the Mother. The divine feminine mysteries took over my life, and through their wisdom I remembered that we are spirit embodied; I remembered just how much magic we each hold within us, and I truly felt how divinely supported we are. Spirit Remedies transformed into Spirit Remembered in 2023, with a new intention. Yes, to help us heal our woundings, but also to go far beyond that, to REMEMBERING and then EMBODYING our deepest truths. It is a vortex in which we can shed our limitations and anchor deeply into our hearts to co-create a magical, aligned life. |
Intuitive Counseling Session
An opportunity to realign, balance and harmonize your system as well as receive support and guidance.
Alchemical Journey
A 6-moon, one-on-one, transformational experience curated for your highest good. You will be held, nurtured, guided, supported and celebrated as you return home to yourself.
Holy Oil Anointing
Allow yourself to be bathed in Divine love through this ancient, hands-on, sacred healing art form.
Couples Anointing DevotionalAn invitation for deep, devotional intimacy where you will be guided through the art of worshiping the holy temple that is your beloved.