"I've employed a lot of techniques and modalities to help me get to my current place, and working with Katie has been the most effective.”
- Kim
"I have had the pleasure of taking part in ceremony held by Kate. Her presence feels nurturing and supportive, with a deep wisdom of being in sisterhood. She brings together practices that invite deeper parts of self to be witnessed, loved, released, whatever may be needed. She creates a beautiful ceremony and safe container for all to deepen and feel held. I highly recommend attending ceremony with this Goddess!”
- Dianne Chalifour, co-auther; Sacred Body Wisdom, Igniting The Flame of Our Divine Humanity
"Through working with Katie, I have been finding myself, my real self. Her guidance has touched my journey and helped me to unlock my spiritual being. It is a work in progress and I am loving the journey. Her understanding of the spiritual world, of God's purpose for us, is incredibly great! I am glad to have her in my path and hope that with her help I can achieve God's purpose for me.”
- Mario
"Words can not express how grateful I am to have met Katie. She is truly an amazing healer. Whether I am receiving a distant healing or in-person session, she reads me to the core. What she picks up always resonates with me to the depth. She is understanding when I need her to be and gives it to me straight when I need it. I'm so glad to have found her!”
- Vanessa
"It seems like we're being attacked from all angles nowadays. I blame the rat race we're forced to run. Our bodies need maintenance, but so do our "centers," or our heart space...the part of us that bears the tangible weight of losing someone precious to us, or that just gets overwhelmed around lots of people in tense situations. I am skeptical enough to know B.S. when I smell it..but also know when I'm feeling something "magical." Katie, a stranger to me, until my first energy healing, gave a voice to the parts of me struggling with a ball of emotional distress, piled up high by loved ones..and with my own baggage thrown in too. Katie was eerily spot on, in what she "read" from my energy, picking up things that make me wonder if she's psychic. Perhaps she is just that in tune with her own heart and able to connect with others because of her openness..Katie has a presence I can only describe as very grounded and nurturing. In a world with so much heart ache, she is the kind of spirit that makes you feel safe and held. I'm now a fan of energy healing and have found a genuine healer in Katie. Must try it for yourself!"”
- John Finn, LMT, Orthopedic MT
"I felt very relaxed following the session and took away very valuable lessons that have helped me focus more on self-care and ways to help me feel better mentally and physically while I work and go through my daily life and the challenges that present themselves. I truly feel better energetically and she helps me find balance and gives me insight on how I can let go of other people's energy (which tends to stick with me in my line of work) and the insight I get reminds me to focus more on myself so that I can feel my best mentally and physically.
I highly recommend her to anyone looking for deeper insight into themself (both spiritually and physically) and how to let go of past experiences and move forward in a healthier light.”